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Our patented algorithm helps patients find their ideal therapist and providers find their perfect client base. Get started on our platform today.

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In person and telehealth therapies

Our patented algorithm helps patients find their ideal therapist and providers find their perfect client base. Get started on our platform today.

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02Facing today’s challenges

We’re bridging the gap
in matching the right mental health care relationships

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Find your match
Emily Rodriguez
New York, NY
Michael Thomas
San Diego, CA
Sarah Johnson
Chicago, IL

Find your ideal provider first

Find an appropriate specialist
Find an appropriate specialist
We take the guesswork out of finding a provider by matching you with someone that best fits your individual needs - whether that be preferences, specific specialties or mental health conditions
Get care on your terms
Get care on your terms
Obstacles are irrelevant here - we can work with any availability and any preference
Have a more informed provider
Have a more informed provider
We use state of the art tools to summarize your medical history and extensively prepare your provider prior to your first session
Safe and secure
Safe and secure
Our top priority is always the care and safety of our patients - our HIPPA compliant platform ensures that your information is safe with us
Find your provider faster
Find your provider faster
Ever heard of kissing the frog to get to the prince? We like to eliminate those variables, taking you straight to the provider that fits your needs - no kissing multiple frogs over here
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Evidence based therapies

Deep TMS
TMS Therapy Center is thrilled to offer BrainsWay's Deep TMS treatment for individuals throughout Houston, TX dealing with mental health conditions or neurodevelopmental disorders. Deep TMS is a noninvasive neurostimulation therapy with minimal side effects that can be performed on its own or safely combined with medication and/or talk therapy to help alleviate your symptoms.
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